Gallipoli Medical Research holds a deep belief that medical research can change lives. We aim to turn that belief into breakthroughs by raising and investing funds into the innovative scientific discoveries of tomorrow. We ensure that our scientists have the time, space and resources required to find new ways to save lives.
GMR is a collaboration of scientific researchers looking for answers to the biggest questions in the smallest of cells, of clinicians on the front line who are dedicated to finding contemporary ways to improve the health of their patients, and our donors who give their hearts, minds and gifts to enable the work to go on.
We are driven by the single-minded belief that the diseases, which indiscriminately affect both the young and old, can and must be conquered in our lifetime through medical research.
In our vital work of facilitating discoveries, we remember and take inspiration from the discipline and dedication exemplified by our veterans.
As a Discovery Partner You will impact research through:
Funding New Research Teams and Projects
GMR is a specialised research facility focusing on a number of key research areas. By doing so, we direct your support to where we can deliver world-class scientific results. As exciting new opportunities emerge, your support will provide the funding to enable new research teams and projects to get their start.
Investing in the Best and Brightest People
You can secure the breakthroughs and discovery of tomorrow by helping cultivate the brilliant young minds of today through the GMR PhD Scholarship program. These hard working young scientists are the first faces we see in the morning and the ones turning off the lights in the evening. They will reward your investment in their research with real sacrifice and discipline. You will be nurturing the top scientists of the future.
Empowering our Researchers to Educate & Collaborate
Attending industry conferences is vital for our researchers to stay up to date, as well as share with and update other researchers about the discoveries you are empowering them to make. New collaborations are often formed in this environment that ensures research output and efficiency is maximized among different research sites pursuing similar goals.
Development of State-of-the-Art Facilities
Our researchers have access to incredible equipment and resources within our laboratories, made possible through the previous support of our donors. It is vital that these resources continue to be thoroughly maintained. Discovery Partners help us to do this and in doing so ensure our scientists and researchers have the best chance of success.
Impacting the Most Urgent Research Needs
Although research is planned over numerous years, there are still unexpected opportunities and needs which urgently arise over time. When there is a compelling reason, your support may be used where it is most urgently required for our research.
You can choose what level you would like to become an Individual Discovery Partner
Emeritus Level Total Support = $100,000+
Mastery Level Total Support = $50,000+
Visionary Level Total Support = $25,000+
Innovator Level Total Support = $5,000+
For more information about becoming an Individual, Community or Corporate Discovery Partner please contact Veena Herron, Director of Marketing and Communications via
For a full list of Discovery Partners please click here for our latest annual report.