GMR in partnership with RSL Queensland completed a multi-phase research project aimed at determining the factors that contribute to a successful and mentally healthy transition. As a result of this research, a self-report psychometric assessment tool: Military to Civilian Adjustment and Reintegration Measure (M-CARM), and an online self-directed training program: Go Beyond, navigating life beyond service®, were developed to support ex-serving personnel’s adjustment to civilian life post separation from service.


In addition to these tools the GMR Research Implementation team has recently developed the APP to provide a pathway to share our research with practitioners who work with the veteran community.

GMR’s Dr Sarah Hampton, Research Fellow/Clinical Psychologist stated, it can be difficult to find training that targets the specific needs of veterans and their families and as such GMR aimed to understand the unique needs of the practitioners working with this community.  The team used a co-design process using collaborative workshops to hear directly from practitioners working in this field so we could develop training that is relevant and practical for them.


APP is an e-Learning platform to educate practitioners who support ex-serving personnel about the M-CARM and Go Beyond program, both of which are free to use with their veteran clients, and are informed by six years of extensive research.

The aim of APP is that practitioners who work with veterans and their families feel equipped with relevant training to support veterans when they transition from service to civilian life.


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