How will you be remembering our Diggers this ANZAC Day? Though we won’t have traditional commemorations this year due to the coronavirus and social distancing measures, the significance of this day is as important as ever.
There are a number of ways you can be remembering our veterans and reflecting on their sacrifice, without leaving your house or driveway.
RSL Queensland, our partners in veteran health research, are running an important initiative to carry on the ANZAC spirit this year. ‘Light Up the Dawn’ will be a live streaming of a short commemorative service at 6am tomorrow, comprising The Ode, The Last Post, a minute’s silence, Reveille and the National Anthem. From your driveway, balcony, or living room, you can join in this act of remembrance. Find out more and access the service to Light Up the Dawn.
2019 ANZAC DAY DAWN SERVICE ADDRESS – GMRF Veteran Ambassador, Tim Thomas
You might like to watch the 2019 ANZAC Day Dawn Service address given by our Veteran Ambassador, Ex Special Forces Commando Tim Thomas (or read it here). Tim’s words are a timely reminder to honour and take heart in the ANZAC Spirit of courage and strength in the face of adversity. Tim says in his address:
“ANZAC day is once a year, but the ANZAC Spirit is for everyday of the year. It’s now our time to follow their example. To take action, and dispel our fear. Despite hardships, despite bad situations, despite any opposition intent on stopping us.”
There are also touching video tributes on Youtube and other channels, like ‘We’ll be together again’, which commemorate our Diggers and highlights how significant this day is to us all.
Or maybe, for you it might be as simple as taking time out of your day to repeat and reflect on those enduring words…
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
Today, and everyday, GMRF is committed to Remembrance through Research. Inspired by the discipline and dedication shown by our Diggers’, we continue to progress veteran health research and initiatives to help create the healthier futures our veterans and their families deserve.