Transition from Defence: Canberra event solidifies the importance of ground-breaking veteran mental health research and programs Miriam Kent GAICD, CEO of Gallipoli Medical Research addresses a cohort of government departments, organisations... New Study Shows Promise for Veterans’ Reintegration Training Program All members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) will eventually experience the transition from military... New systematic review confirms high prevalence of polypharmacy in current and ex serving military populations A systematic review and meta-analysis led by GMR researchers has indicated a high prevalence of polypharmacy... GMR awards inaugural $250 000 grant to support groundbreaking ‘Active Choices’ research into veteran health Gallipoli Medical Research (GMR) is delighted to announce it has awarded its first Collaborative Research... GMR’s response to Royal Commission report The Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide handed down their final report on...