GMRF Supporter Survey

You are a vital part of the Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation (GMRF) team and we greatly value your feedback. Your answers to this survey will help us understand what is important to GMRF supporters and how we can continue to earn your support and gain that of other like-minded people. Please return your completed survey in the enclosed envelope to have your voice heard!

Which of the following reasons best describes why you decided to start supporting GMRF (Please select only one response)

Please indicate your degree of interest in hearing more about the following areas of research (please select one answer per line):

Liver Disease

Liver Cancer

Veteran Health

Veteran Mental Health

Families of veterans

Respiratory Illness

Clinical Trials

Cancer Wellness

Our regular giving program allows our supporters to give regular, safe and automatic deductions from their bank account or credit card. It is one of the most cost-effective ways of giving. Is this something you would consider doing? (Please select only one response)

By making a gift in your Will to GMRF you can create a legacy which improves the health of all Australians for generations to come. Every gift - however great or small - makes a difference to our research and our ability to continue our research. Would you consider leaving a gift to GMRF in your Will? (Please select only one response)

About You

Age group: Please tick

Which of the following best describes you? (Please select all that apply)


Since GMRF endeavours to reduce our costs and protect the environment, we are increasing our level of online communication to our stakeholders. Would you like to also receive information via email?

How regularly would you like to receive online updates from GMRF?

Do you visit the GMRF Website?

What information do you access on the website?

What additional information would you like to know about GMRF?

Do you follow GMRF on Social Media?

Are you involved in a community/interest/sports group?

If yes:

Would you be interested in touring GMRF’s Laboratory facilities?

Additional comments and feedback

Thank you for your feedback, we appreciate your engagement and aim to use this feedback to improve the quality of our communications. You can complete this feedback on our website at

Name Email Phone Number