M. szulgai infections in Qld An investigation by Dr Nick Sowden Mycobacterium szulgai is a rarely isolated slow-growing nontuberculous... M. triplex infections in Qld An investigation by Justine Gibson A rare cause of human disease, mycobacterium triplex is a slow-growing... Genotypes for Mycobacterium Intracellulare in Qld An investigation by Robyn Carter Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC) is a group of opportunistic pathogenic... Long-term macrolide therapy-oropharyngeal dysbiosis & spread of resistant pathogens Erythromycin and Azithromycin are medications used in bronchiectasis and chronic respiratory diseases... A Comparative Pharmacokinetic Study of Antibiotics for the Treatment of Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria in Patients with CF Tuberculous Mycobacteria in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis This study led by Dr Andrew Burke, aims to... Immunoprofiling of NTM infection patients The increasing global incidence of non-tuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) infection is of growing concern.... Outcomes of M. abscessus infections in QLD Dr Michael Holt, Dr Andrew Burke, Dr Rachel Thomson Molecular epidemiology of M. abscessus This project will consider the whole genome sequencing of patient and environmental isolates of M. abscessus.... Whole genome sequencing of M. abscessus isolates in collaboration with the University of Cambridge. Geospatial Analysis The aims of this study are to describe the trends in reported NTM incidence in the last 16 years in...