4 December 2020
GMRF launched its new M-CARM transition adjustment tool on Monday the 30th November, with extremely positive responses from veterans, service providers and government.
The Military to Civilian Adjustment and Reintegration Measure (M-CARM) is the result of a six year Service to Civilian Life study, conducted in partnership with RSL Queensland. Over 120 veterans have already accessed the measure to receive a personalised needs assessment helping them determine how they are adjusting to civilian life, as well as identifying potential areas of need.
The tool has also received a clear demonstration of support from Darren Chester MP, the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Minister for Defence Personnel. In a statement, he said:
“The release of the Service to Civilian Life Study, published by the Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation (GMRF) in partnership with RSL Queensland, sheds further light on veterans’ transition back to civilian life – an important life event. Previous research has shown that this transition can have a considerable impact on psychological health and wellbeing, and this study increases our understanding of the contributing factors so we can ensure all veterans receive the support they need.
“In addition to the release of the study, the team at GMRF have launched a digital platform called M-CARM — a research-based website that assists veterans struggling to adjust to civilian life. This is the first tool of its kind and features a self-report questionnaire designed to assess how a veteran’s adjustment and reintegration to civilian life is going. Importantly, Clinicians can also receive data from M-CARM which may assist to identify risk factors and recommend additional treatment or interventions.
“This research, and digital platform, will provide further evidence-based solutions and build on the Government’s commitment to assist veterans with reintegration and adjustment to civilian life post-military service. It complements the work of DVA and Open Arms and our teams are looking forward to working with GMRF to progress . I encourage all those interested to visit the website for more information.”
One of the world’s largest qualitative research projects into the transition process, the Service to Civilian Life study was recently published as an open access article in BMC Psychiatry. The study was funded by RSL Queensland as part of a $14 million commitment to veterans’ mental health research.
VISIT M-CARM.ORG to find out more